2024 SUMMER STUDIO TOUR: Aug 9-11    |    2024 WINTER STUDIO TOUR: Dec 6-8

The Artists

Amy Divis

Oil paintings
Becoming a professional artist continues to be a beautiful journey. I have spent many years developing in the fine arts ranging from teaching and exhibiting to furthering my education to Master’s level. My undergraduate degree gave me an in-depth knowledge of drawing, painting, printmaking, and ceramics, with a focus on oil painting. I continued my training in Italy where I studied Italian fresco painting and then as an apprentice in London, developing my skills as an oil painter. While in London, I was introduced to a classical style where each painting is built up using opaque and transparent layers of paint to create the right narrative, mood, and atmosphere. My work has been exhibited internationally with originals in private collections worldwide. In addition to my own artwork, I have gained professional experience teaching art in England, Oman, Germany, and the USA. My students have taught me that it does not matter where we live; we all have an internal need to express ourselves. As a daughter of an Alaskan fisherman (and woman), I have always felt most at peace near the sea. Like the salmon, I returned home to the Pacific Northwest to be closer to family and the great outdoors.

Sample art below. Contact the artist for pricing, details, and availability.

Amy Divis
Amy Divis
Amy Divis